Thursday, March 19, 2009


There are two ways of going through life: gather everything in sight, just in case you need it, or trust that you'll find exactly what you need, just in time. Guess which one lets you really stop and smell the roses?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Slike kao film

Kako od mojih slika da napravim filmic sa nekom muzikom? Koji program to radi?
Ima dosta takvih programa.
Jedan od njih je Movie Maker. Prebacis fotke, dodas muziku, na kraju te pita da li hoćeš da snimis kao DVD ili VCD i gotova stvar.
Prezentaciju slika sa muzikom odlično radi program ProShow Gold.
Pre instalacije procitajte i pogledajte demo primere napravljene sa ProShow...
ProShow Gold makes it easy to create a slide show with your photos, videos and music in a few simple steps.
Just drag and drop your content into a show, edit photos, add effects, set the timing and you’re done!
You can easily create a unique and personalized photo slide show for any occasion whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, graduation, holiday, wedding or just showing-off vacation photos.
ProShow has over 280 transition effects to choose from
Click the Transition icon between two slides to access the Transition Chooser
Turn the composition lines on and off in Slide Options or Show Options
Right-click in the preview window in Slide Options and click <>.
Add a custom background to your entire show
Go to Show Options and click the Background icon. Configure the Show Background as desired
Remove red-eye in Proshow
Double-click on the slide containing the image with red-eye and click the Editing icon. Click <> and make changes as desired.
Add motion effects to your slide show
Double-click on the slide you would like to add motion to and click the Motion icon in Slide Options
Use built-in text effects to add interest to you captions
In Slide Options, click <>. Select Text Effects to apply to captions from the drop-down lists. Click <> to preview the effects.
Make basic image adjustments in ProShow
Double-click on the slide to make adjustments to and click the Editing icon. Make changes as desired.
Trim video clips to exactly the portion you want to use in ProShow.
Double-click on the slide containing the video that you want to trim. With the video layer selected, click <> in the Layers section of Slide Options.
Make a disc for PC and DVD playback
When outputting to DVD Disc or Video CD, check <> in Output Options
Easily transfer a show from one computer to another
Click File > Collect Show Files from the main menu at the top of the screen to back up your show and all associated files.
Choose which slide will be used as the Show Thumbnail on a menu
In the Slide List, right-click on any slide and select <>.
Remove the Intro Show before your own show
In the selected output dialog, go to Shows tab and uncheck the box next to <>.
Use the Safe Zone to make sure important parts of your show aren't cut off when viewed on a television
Right-click in the preview window in Slide Options and click <>.
Set the timing for multiple transitions or slides at once.
Simply select the slides you would like to apply a timing change to and make the change to any one of the selected slides.
Automatically add the file name or other information to a caption
Click <> button on the Captions section of Slide Options, then select <> and choose the macro(s) that you wish to include in the caption.
Apply a setting to multiple slides at once
Right-click on any setting on the slide options screen and select <>.
Add an entire folder of images to your show at once
Right click in the File List and select <>
kad ste instalirali, idite ovde i kliknite na neku od prezentacija.
Ako mislite da je to što vam treba, kliknite na link ispod da skinete program koji mozete instalirati.
Tu je upakovan program i serijski broj.
Odlicni programi koji to još rade su: Pro Show Producer, MemoriesOnTV i drugi, ali po mom mišljenju GOld je jednostavan i lak pa ćete uz malo truda brzo uspeti napraviti CD ili DVD od vasih fotosa.
Pocnite prvo sa dva tri snimka i muzikom a kasnije ćete lako dodati i stotinjak snimaka.
PS. da bi ljudi videli vase prezentacije treba da samo instaliraju onaj mali program od 2.5mb koji lako mozete prikljuciti kao deo svakog CD-a ili DVD-a ili napraviti demo kao EXE fajl koji radi sam za sebe (ima ugradjenu masinu za prezentaciju) i koja će startovati kad se CD ili DVD ubaci u racunar. Na vama je izbor...

Monday, August 11, 2008


Živim već 15 godina u Cileu bavim se turizmom avanturom (kajak, rafting, fly fishing, kanjoning, kanopi, itd.) okruzen sa divnim vulkanima (1 je non stop aktivan i pruza mogućnost da se popnes na vrh i nadzires kako bukti lava). Želim da podelim malo sa vama moje iskustvo.
Da pocnemo:
Chile je najduza i najuza zemlja na juzno americkom kontinentu, sa 4.329 km duzine i samo 177 km sirine, ima jednu od najstabilnijih ekonomija u juznoj americi a i svetu. Chile je zemlja iskljucivo za uzivanje u prirodi: planinarenje, jahanje konja i skijanje na kordiljerima Los Andesa, arheoloska istrazivanja u pustinji Atakami i ispitivanje flore i faune duz zemlje, plaze na okeanu Pacifiku; setnje kroz prelepe doline punih vinove loze, reka u kojima mozete da praktikujete rafting, kayaking, da plovite u hladnim vodama juznog Pacifika zajedno sa morskim vukovima, kitovima i ledenim icebergima ili da pecate pastrnke i losose u naj lepsim i čistijim rekama na jugu planete.
Želim da napomenem da gradjanima Srbije netreba viza za Cile, tako da odmah mozete da pocnete sa spremanjem kofera :) Dobro je to što je obrnuta sezona tako da ako ove zime ne želite da se smrzavate, slobodno mozete da dodjete na godisnji odmor u Cile.
cad je u evropi zima a ovde na jugu leto, avionske karte su veoma jeftine za vas koji ste gore. Aviokompanije koje lete za Cile su Air france, Iberia, Lan chile, KLM, italijanske aerokompanije. Air france ima povoljne cene. Lan cile ima dobru uslugu ali je malo skup. KLM isto ima jeftine cene. U glavnom cene karata su negde između 1000 i 1200 USD. Na primer, preko Air France Santiago-Pariz su 1066 USD, obično nasi uvek putuju preko Madrida, Kopenhagena, Pariza.
Sto se tiče boravka, mogu da ti dam vise povoljnih i ultra povoljnih cena ali u gradu u kome živim (Pucon) posto sam preko cele godine tu pa znam kako sve ide.
Ipak, leti ovde skoce malo cene, ali ja mogu da sredim da vas ne kosta skupo.
Za dolazak u Cile imaš dve dobre varijante.
Ako želiš da dodjes kad je ovde leto, imaš veliku mogućnost da posetis jug Cilea, to jest celu Patagoniju, pocevsi od velikih jezera pa do Magallaneza.
Ako želite da posetite Cile zimi, onda ćete trebati da idete na sever zemlje i posetiti pustinju Atakamu (najsuvlju zemlju na svetu), gejzire, selo San Pedro i posto je veoma blizu Peru, Machupichu.
Bilo da dodjete u Cile leti ili zimi, preporucio bih vam da posetite Valparaiso, bohemijski grad sa kucama na brdima u engleskom stilu. Što se tiče vodica, ni ja ne volim da mi komanduju kada trebam da jedem i gde da idem kad njima dune. Ja mogu da ti napravim jedan mali tour pa da ti izaberes mesta koja ti se najviše svidjaju. A i da ti dam adrese hotela i hostala u kojima bi mogla da prenocis.
Na ovom linku možeš da nadjes sve informacije o Cileu, naravno stranica je na spanskom i engleskom jeziku:
Sad što se tiče smestaja, zavisi gde želiš da odes, hotel, hostal, motel... Po osobi u jednom običnom hostelu cene su od 6.000 cileanskih pezosa (1 evro = 630 pezosa).
što se tiče hrane na primer kilo hleba je 550 pezosa, jedna pasteta od 150 grama kosta 280 pezosa, 250 grama sunke 500 pezosa, litar piva 650 pezosa, itd.
Prevoz, autobus od Santiaga do Pucona (830 km) kosta od 8.000, Santiago Vinja del Mar (120 km) 2200 pezosa, zavisi u kojoj klasi želiš da putujes, leti ove cene mogu da budu duplo skuplje, ipak zavisi da li putujes danju ili nocu na sever ili jug Cilea.
Link od autobuske firme koja putuje kroz ceo Cile:
Ne bih znao da ti dam pravu cenu lokalnih vodica, sve zavisi od mesta u kojem se nalazis, na primer kod mene u Puconu cene su ovakve: 35.000 pezosa penjanje na Vulkan Villarrica, 18.000 spust niz brzake na reci Trancura, 80.000 pecanje sa muvom, 14.000 4 sata jahanja na konju, 8 Hiljada brzaci na niskoj reci Trancura, 8.000 tople banje, 8.000 canopy, itd.
Za Cile ti netrebaju vakcine ni za kakvu bolest, mada ne mogu isto da kažem za Peru i Boliviju.
Što se tiče vlage, naravno u atakami nema inače noći su veoma hladne i ima mesta u kojima u ranu zoru dolazi Camanchaca, to je magla koja se skuplja na obali tihoga okeana jer on u tome delu Juzne amerike nema plaze nego samo kanjon, sva voda koja ispari pretvori se u maglu koja ode u pustinju vise desetina kilometara.
Na jugu Cilea leti temperature su 30 stepeni, u Patagoniju 13-15, po nekad malo vise. Klima nije bas stabilna, tako da iako je leto vise puta pada kisa. Naravno Patagonija je poznata po jakim vetrovima. Ipak ne verujem da će vam zdravstveno naskoditi vlaga jer sa dobrom obucom i u dobrom hostelu ili hotelu ne bi trebalo da imate ikakvih problema.
Cile je zemlja koja poseduje vise od 2000 vulkana pa nije ni cudo sto svakodnevno drma. Nisu to zemljotresi kao u Japanu, tu jacinu u glavnom mi ne osetimo a ponekad se oseti i to je jačina 3-4 stepena po Merkaliju, to jest veoma slab zemljotres. Inače poznato je da svakih 100 godina drmne jedan jak mada iako je već vreme tom zemljotresu, specialisti pricaju da može da zadrma tek za 20-30 godina i da je zemlja danas pripremljena.
Što se tiče posla, Cile je zemlja u razvoju. Mogao bih reći da je posle Kanade i SAD najsigurnija zemlja u eknomskom i politickom stanju. Nema gerila kao u Boliviji, Columbiji, Venecueli, Peruu. Možeš ulicama da hodas čak i u 4 ujutru i da ti ništa ne bude. Sad ako si veoma plav i ko izgubljen lutas u 4 sati ujutru kroz loše krajeve + ne znas spanski, naravno da ima budala koja će hteti da iskoriste priliku i da te opljackaju (isto kao i u svim zemljama.
Za posao mogu da ti kažem da ima struca u kojima možeš da zaradis platu iznad 1500 US a i gde nema sanse da nadjes posao jer je veoma mala potraznja. Cileu su potrebni naucnici, na primer biohemicari, hemicari, biolozi, programeri, doktori, medicinske sestre, profesori, itd. Sa druge strane veoma je teško da nadjes posao ako si advokat, komercialni inzenjer, sumarski inzenjer, novinarstvo, arhitektura, geografija, itd.
Ako imaš kapitala i želiš da dodjes i napravis biznis izabrao si dobru zemlju posto Cile je zemlja u razvoju, a država ti pomaze sa kreditima, čak ima jedan sistem u kojem ti država daje početni kapital za razvoj tvoje firme a ti ne moras posle da vratis ni kintu. Za vizu nema problema, imamo pravo na 90 dana da budemo kao turisti a zatim ona može bez problema da se obnovi. Sad ako ulazis sa kapitalom i otvoris firmu ili nadjes posao, veoma lako možeš da dobijes vecnu vizu. (godinu dana) Posle 5 godina ako želiš možeš da se nacionalizujes, mada ti Cile trazi da se odreknes od originalnog državljanstva.
... ljudi mesaju Macchu Picchu sa Camino Inka . Postoji vise varijanti Camino Inka bez i sa Machu Picchuom, a ta cena jeste za one koji idu na trek od par dana...i sam sam prosao te trekove ...hteo sam dusu da ispustim...kada tada nisam umro,živecu 100 godina... Na Machu Picchu se ide vozom,konforno,a onda kada se dodje do Aguas Calientes, ide se busom okok pola sata usponom ili može i pesaka..ništa strasno...dodjes do ruina i tu si ceo dan,spustas se pesaka ili busom do istog mesta.
imaš jedan veoma koristan sajt gde možeš naći gomilu informacija o hostelima i ostalim stvarcicama za bilo koju zemlju sveta pa i Peru, ...i sve sto te u J. Americi zanima.
pa bilo bi super da se jednog dana upoznamo i popijemo kafu :) evo ti moj mail:
imam i sajt koj je trenutno u izgradnji, uskoro će imati sve važne informacije o turizmu u Cileu.
da li znaš makar orijentaciono koja je cena prevoza do Peruanske granice, npr iz tvog mesta boravka, i koji su najpogodniji vidovi transporta...Kako tamo stoji sa vozovima? Molim te nemoj samo da kažeš da sam dosadna. Samo sam veoma zainteresovana. Hvala, još jednom
Pa vozom bi mogla da putujes od Temuca (120 km od mene) do glavnoga grada Santiaga, zatim bi trebala da ides autobusom, isto možeš i autobusom od Pucona do Arique, sad cena od prilike je ovakva (autobusom)(1 evro = 630 pezosa): Od Pucona do Santiaga $12.000 (polu krevet) Od Santiaga do Arique $28.000 (polu krevet) Put bi trajao 41 sati, ja mislim da je bolje u tom slučaju da idete avionom, mada je to skoro 3 puta skuplje. Sad, druga varijanta bi bila da posetite neka mesta u Zemlji kao na primer Pucon-Vinja del Mar i Valparaiso - La Serena (Vicuña, mesto gde sa vinjacima i fabrikama cileanskog likera Pisco) - Copiapo - Antofagasta - Iquique - Aqica - Peru. Sad mozete da prescocite Antofagastu i direktno da posetite San Pedro u pustinji Atacami, a zatim da odete za Peru.
za smestaj probaj
ja tako putujem i dobro mi je
boris_de_chile - 30. novembar 2006. u 11.35 (*
Zdravo Sinisa, ako dolazis do Viñe del MAr ili VAlparaisa, javi se na moj e -mail ,pa da popijemo nešto...prvih desetak dana Decembra sam još u Cileu,a onda idem na put... Pozdrav Boban
danas sam kupio kartu i sutra je d-day. slecem u quito pa ću polako da se pustim u chile preko perua i bolivije...puno hvala na savetima... juznoamerikanci vidimo se...
Srećan ti put sinisa, pa eto kada budes dosao u nasu regiju a ti mi pisi
U svakom slučaju videces se sa Sasom u Puconu i sa mnom u Viñi del MAr. Srećan put i vidimo se na okeanu Boban
Možda će nekom trebati ovo :
zdravo dzoni_kid naravno još uvek postoji ta kockarnica, ja isto po nekad odem pa ih opeljesim, što se tiče toplih banji (mineralna voda zagrejana toplotom vulkana Villarrica) ta u kojoj si bio se zove „Los Pozones” to je jedina banja koja radi 24 sati i dopusta alkoholno pice u bazenu. Za one koji neznaju, ova je jedina banja koja je napravljena u vulkanskim rupama u zemlji, ovi „bazeni” u uporedjenju sa drugim banjama naj bolji i naj jeftiniji u drugim banjama je skuplje a i ko ko bazeni za plivanje su, ali kao sto kaže dzoni_kid smeta to što dodju pijani ameri a i ne možeš da ides bos kao na drugim banjama jer na zemlji ima slomljenog stakla. Ipak iskustvo je odlično posto ima 6 banja do kojih moras da dodjes silazeci niz stepenice, mada nazad je malo zeznuto posto si već toliko opusten da te mrzi da se penjes uz njih a i ako ides nocu bude ti hladno. Slična banjama Los Pozones su termas geometricas (geometricke terme). Evo par slika: Los Pozones
Cileanci vole strance (možda im malo smetaju susedi kao peruanci koji su na glavnom trgu nonstop, rade za duplo manju platu nego Cileanci ili argentinci koji leti idu na Cileanske plaze pa se prave vazni pa sve devojke padaju lude za njima) U glavnom cileanci su dobri sa strancima, u tome nema sumlje, sam sam iskusio kada su moji roditelji '93 godine ekonomski propali, pa su nam cileanci prvi prisli u pomoć bez ikakvih pitanja, od naše srpske kolonije nije bilo ni traga a manje od ambasade, ama ni da nas pozovu preko telefona da vide da li smo živi.
Što se tiče mentaliteta, ja ih posle 15 godina još uvek ne razumem, ne mogu da im se uklopim, oni se na primer (jedan zezne drugog sa 5000 evra), onda se posvadjaju, ogovaraju, pljuju (verbalno) a zatim ih vidis kako se grle i prave rostilje. Toga kod nas na balkanu nema. Način zivota je drukciji od našeg, na primer oni vole da jedu vise przenu hranu od kuvane, svaki dan virsle sa pirincem, batak sa pireom, makarone sa pasuljem, po nekad pilecu corbu (casuela de ave), za državni praznik prave tipicne poslastice kao pastel de choclo, humitas, empanade (mleveno meso sa jajem, maslinkom i lukom uvijena i zalepljena u lepinji), ima sa sirom i skoljkama. na jugu se pravi curanto. Prave raznjice sa virslom, crnim lukom i zelenom paprikom. vole da jedu choripan (pecena masna kobasica u hlebu sa majonezom), completo (virsla u hlebu sa avokadom, paradaizom i ponekad kiselim kupusom, majonezom, senfom i kecapom).
Prosecna visina Cileanca je metar sedamdeset, mada u zadnje vreme posto jedu hranu sa hormonima (piletina, svinjsko meso, itd), nove generacije su prosecno 1,77 m. Žene su niske u proseku između 1,50 m i 1,70 ima izuzetaka. Kad Cileancu kažeš: \„aj da se nađemosutra u 7\” on dodje u 7:05 ili u 7:15 ili u 7:30 a ponekad ni ne dodje. Nemaju naviku da te pozovu da ti kažu da kasne :) Kad idu ulicom i videte da ides u njegov susret, ako ga mrzi da te pozdravi preci ce ulicu praveci se mutav kao da te kobajagi nevidi :) Još jedan primer, pre par godina putovao sam metroom u glavnome gradu Santiagu, bila je zima, a otvoren prozor, jeste da je bilo puno raje u vagonu ali posto je bila promaja i ulazio hladan vazduh (0ºC) ja zatvorih prozor, nije prošlo ni 10 sekundi kad eto jedan Cileanac otvori prozor. Ja rekao aj neću da se svadjam silazim za dve stanice. Prošlo je par meseci i eto doslo letooo :) ja u metrou, metro prepun, temperatura 40 stepeni u vagonu a skoro svi prozori zatvoreni, pridjem prozoru, otvorim ga sa zeljom da se osvezim svezim vazduhom, kad eto nije prošlo ni 10 sekundi, vidim jednu ruku kako zatvara prozor i još napravio ljutu facu. Sad idi pa razumi taj mentalitet ljudi :) Dal sam ja lud ili ne, ali eto takvi su oni sve rade naopacke, čak se i voda vrti naopacke kada pustis kazance. :)
Sad ima jedna veoma dobra vrlina kod Cileanaca, oni kao narod vole da rade ali vole i da odmaraju na poslu, tako oni uvek izmisle neki izum ili formulu za rad da bi na taj zavrsili posao u kracem roku.
Stigao sam najzad i u Chile. Civilizacija u poredjenju na Boliviju. Prenapacen sam od voznje iz Uyunija do San Pedra.
Kao sto sam tu prethodno rekao nalazim se u Puconu, 700 km juzno od Santiaga.
Upravo sam se vratio sa canopia, već nedelju dana pada kisa, jedva sam cekao da me pozovu moji prijatelji iz avanturisticke firme Arbol Loco (ludo drvo) da se bacim. Izasli smo sa grupom turista, penjali se drvenim merdevinama uçzaheftanim za sajle, zatim smo hodali po tim sajlama (naravno bili smo osigurani za drugu sajlu). Posle nekih 45 minuta zezanja između drveca bacili smo se niz jednu sajlu dugacku nekih 50-60 metara. Pošto je padala kisa i sajla je bila vlazn, brzina spusta je bila nekih 45 km na sat. Bilo je ludo :) mozete da pogledate video preko youtubea
Ako udjes u Cile kao Amerikanac moraces da platis 100 USD a posto znaš da mi koji smo srecom Srbi neplacamo ni kinte :) Ne znam sad koliko će trajati proces za stalnu vizu ako udjes sa Srpskim ili SAD pasosom, da li vise ili manje. Što se tiče kradji, jeste svi stavljaju resetke na prozore i ograde, za to je kriva danasnja vlada koja posle 17 godina vlasti još uvek nije u stanju da promeni zakone i kazni lopove. Dok je bio na vlasti General Pinochet u zemlji je vladao mir, naravno narod je postovao policiju, danas kada su demonstracije (posto je Cile kako kažu ovi socialisti demokratska zemlja i narod ima pravo da da svoje mišljenje) i kad par ljudi krene da bije policiju, udare murkana a zatim on im vrati pendrekom onda se naljute pa ga tuze lokalnom sudu. Evo drugi primer, ako ukrades jednu kokosku ides u zatvor 5 godina i 1 dan a ako ubijes coveka možeš da budes slobodan za manje od 6 meseci, zatim samo svakih 15 dana da ides u zatvor da potpises da si u gradu, čisto da znaju da nisi pobegao. To je zato što su ovi zakoni stari ko biblija (iz XIX veka) sve u svemu ova zemlja je za mene najbolja u latinskoj americi, vlada mir, nema muslimanskih fanatika, mafija, gerila, pezos je stabilna para, ima se posla za one koji žele da rade mada kao u svim kapitalistickim zemljama radis ko crnac (45 sati nedeljno) a po nekad i vise. :)
evo link, sa slikama sa juga Cilea:
Evo kratak snimak after houra posle nove godine na plazi jezera Villarrica u restoranu Kamikaze u malo losijem izdanju. Ja nisam bio tamo ali jedna moja prijateljica je snimila ovaj video. Nova godina je bila proslavljena sa kisom i predivnim vatrometom koj je trajao vise od 20 minuta, zatim na vise desetina mesta su odrzane zurke, jedna od tih je bila zurka u pub-diskoteci Kamikaze. Klijenti suna terasi mogli da vide vatromet, zatim otisli na slavlje i oko 6 ujutru na after hour na kome se sluzio dorucak i nešto da se popije :)
Eto kako slave Cileanci :)

Rt. 53 and Golf Rd. in Schaumburg
100 Lincoln Ave, Wilmette
1000 Lake Cook Rd, Glencoe
350 McHenry Rd, Buffalo Grove
1700 Nations Dr, Gurnee
542 N. Illinois Rt. 21, Gurnee
724 N York Rd, Elmhurst - Holiday Inn Elmhurst
17000 Wadsworth Rd, Wadsworth
301 Hastings Dr, Buffalo Grove
I-355 & Lake St, Addison
644 E Rand Rd, Arlington Heights
2001 Roselle Rd, Schaumburg

Shri Swaminarayan Mandir (BAPS) Temple
4N739 II Rt.59, Bartlett
505 N. Springinsguth Rd, Schaumburg
3300 S. Golf Rd, Brookfield

Challenge Park Xtreme
2903 Schweitzer Ed, Joliet
951 Chicago Ave, Oak Park
(home & studio)

Grand Victoria Casino
250 S. Grove Ave, Elgin

Harrah's Casino
151 N. Joliet St, Joliet
4100 Illinois Rt. 53, Lisle

India House
59 West Grand Street, just west of Dearborn

Viceroy of India (restaurant)
2518 West Devon Ave, Chicago

Chicago Theater
175 North State Street
2540 N Lincoln Ave
50 East Congress Pkwy
1229 W Belmont Ave
3133 N Halsted St
800 East Grand Ave
1543 W Division
170 N Dearborn

Shedd Aquarium
1200South Lake Shore Dr

Museum of Contemporary Photography
600 South Michigan Ave

Preporuka - BG nocni zivot

Preporučuje se posetiocima da veče u srpskoj prestonici počnu šetnjom Knez Mihajlovom ulicom, a nastave večerom u Skadarliji ili na nekom od kioska sa kvalitetnim roštiljem.
Posle toga, obavezno bi trebalo otići na piće ili koktel-zabavu u neki od brojnih kafea u ulici Strahinjića Bana, na Dorćolu, poput Scene i Ipaneme.
Jedan sat ujutru, pravo je vreme da se zaputite ka nekom od klubova u okolini Kalemegdanske tvrđave, poput Andergraunda, ili da se, ako volite svež vazduh, prepustite zvucima muzike sa gramofona i mladalačkoj atmosferi nekog od brojnih splavova vezanih uz obalu Save na beogradskom Ušću.

From Catholic Encyclopedia

Belgrade and Smederevo
Titular (united) sees of Servia.
The history of these sees is as confused as their present plight is pitiful from the Catholic stand-point.
Dalmatia and Illyria claim St. Titus, the disciple of St. Paul, as their first Christian missionary; but the first Bishop of Belgrade, Theodosius, dates only from 1059.
As the ancient Singidunum, however, it was an episcopal see in the fourth century, but gradually declined during the invasions of the barbarian Slavs.
The medieval see was founded by the King of Croatia.
The Hungarians and the Venetians disputed the possession of Belgrade (Serb Beograd, white city).
The latter having destroyed the town (1126), the episcopal see was transferred to the neighbouring Scardona, so extensively embellished by them that it received the name of Scardona Nova.
Religion had long flourished there, for one of the bishops at the Council of Salona (530) signs as Episcopus Ecclesiae Scardinitanae. On the occasion of the transfer to Scardona the title of Belgrade disappears for centuries from ecclesiastical history.
The neighbouring city of Smederevo (Lat. Smendria) was also an episcopal see. Gams gives the names of four of its bishops from 1544 to 1605, a list, beginning 1334, of bishops whom he styles "of Belgrade and Semendria" (Nadoralbenses et Belgradenses). It is certain that in 1650 Innocent X re-established the title and See of Belgrade; for a Brief (4 December, 1651) is extant addressed to Matthew Benlich, Episcopus Bellegradensis, Ecclesiae Samadiensis Administrator, creating him vicar Apostolic for those sees of the Church of Hungary which were under Turkish domination.
In 1729 the two Dioceses of Belgrade and Smederevo were united by Benedict XIII, and in 1733 Vincent Bagradin became the first holder of the double title. Thenceforward the list of bishops is regular and complete. The "Notizie di Roma" gives the names of all the prelates of this see.
Until recent years Belgrade and Smederevo were considered residential sees; it is expressly so stated in the consistory of 1858. It was added that these two sees (ancient Alba Graeca and Singidunum respectively) were suffragans of the metropolitan See of Antivari, and that the nomination to them resided in the Emperor of Austria, "but as they are held by the infidels, their actual state is passed over in silence".
For many years the title was given to the auxiliary of an Hungarian bishop (at present to the auxiliary of the Archbishop of Zagrab) who was bound to reside with his superior.
The "Gerarchia" for 1906, without giving any notice of the change, has transferred this see to the list of titular bishoprics, though Bishop Krapac, who now holds the title, was named in 1904 as a residential bishop.
The present condition of this Church is most lamentable. The limits of the diocese are those of the Kingdom of Servia, which has an area of 18,630 square miles and a population (1905) of 2,6786,989, belonging for the most part to the Greek schism, which is the official religion of the State.
Since 1851 the Bishop of Diokovar acts as administrator Apostolic; since 1886 the territory is united to the ecclesiastical province of Scutari (Kirch. Handlex., I, 533).
There are only two or three priests, who divide their activities between the three principal stations of Belgrade (4,000 Catholics), Kragujevatz (200), and Nish (2,000).
There are also seven secondary stations, numbering about 1,000 Catholics all told. (It is to be noted that according to the "Statesman's Year Book" for 1907, the Servian census of 1900 gives 10,243 Catholics.)
One church, two chapels, and two elementary schools (at Belgrade and Nish respectively) complete the list of the mission's resources.
The statistics say nothing of Uniat Greeks, which leads us to suppose that these Latin Catholics are only western Europeans whose business obliges them to reside in Servia.
Belgrade has (1905) a population of 80,747.
Situated on the right bank of the Danube, just below the Save, it has always been a natural fortress, and as such is famous in military history.
From 1522 to 1867 it passed alternately from Turks to Austrians; in the latter year the Turkish garrison was withdrawn, and in 1878, by the Treaty of Berlin, Belgrade became the capital of the new Christian Kingdom of Servia.

Places to take your kids before they grow up - ZOOs

By Frommer's 500 Places to Take Your Kids Before They Grow Up
San Diego Zoo
As the mother of a panda fanatic, I knew we had to go to the San Diego Zoo, one of only three zoos in the U.S. with those black-and-white giant pandas. More than 4,000 creatures live at the San Diego Zoo, including rare species like the Buerger’s tree kangaroos of New Guinea, long-billed kiwis from New Zealand, wild Przewalski’s horses from Mongolia, lowland gorillas from Africa and giant tortoises from the Galápagos. Even better, we saw them in naturalistic habitats, brilliantly designed not only to make the animals comfortable but also to give zoogoers some pretty close-up views. My favorite parts, actually, were the immense aviaries, where you could stand on a boardwalk and peer into a jungle canopy to spy parrots and lorikeets and other gaudy tropical birds. (My husband would vote for the polar bears. We had a very hard time getting him to leave that enclosure.)San Diego’s is a surprisingly old zoo for a West Coast institution: It was launched in 1916 by Dr. Harry Wegeforth, a shrewd zoologist who traveled around the world bartering native southwestern animals like rattlesnakes and sea lions—a dime a dozen in California but glamorous overseas—for more exotic foreign species. He also brought back plants from every locale where animals were acquired, ensuring that their new habitations could be landscaped to feel like home. San Diego was one of the first zoos to separate animals from humans with moats instead of bars, and it has long been active in conservation efforts around the world, as well as breeding programs for endangered species. We were glad we invested in the value package, which allowed us to hop a ride on an express bus and take a cross-zoo trip on the cable car. But now I wish we’d had time for the two-in-one package that adds on the zoo’s sister facility, the sprawling San Diego Wild Animal Park, 34 miles north of San Diego in Escondido. Here, many of the animals roam freely in vast enclosures, allowing giraffes and ostriches to interact with antelopes and zebras, much as they would in Africa. Humans navigate the distances via monorail cars, walking tours or pricey-but-unforgettable photo caravans. Grrr.
Brookfield Zoo
While there’s something sweet and cozy about the Lincoln Park Zoo in town—which is, after all, the nation’s oldest zoo—Chicago-area kids know that the real animal-watching takes place 14 miles west of the Loop (close enough you can get here by Metra train) at the Brookfield Zoo. With 216 acres to stretch out in, the zoo’s thousands of animal residents have roomy naturalistic environments, with entire ecosystems set up for several species living together (or next door to each other, if they are predator and prey).
Brookfield always seems to be coming up with new immersive exhibits. One of the zoo’s newest nooks is Wolf Woods, built for a pack of endangered Mexican gray wolves as part of a joint conservation effort with a number of other zoos. The Fragile Kingdom is divided into two environments—one for the desert, where porcupines, meerkats and sandcats scurry around, one for the equally fragile Asian rainforest, where clouded leopards and Amur tigers (the new name for Siberian tigers) prowl and slink around their enclosures, with binturongs, Prevost’s squirrels and small-clawed otters stashed safely across the way. The Habitat Africa exhibit alone covers 30 acres, more than the entire Lincoln Park Zoo; okapis browse in a forest area, illustrating why stripes work for them better than the sun-dappled colors of their giraffe cousins stalking around the savanna section.The minute you get to the zoo, buy your tickets to the perennially popular dolphin show at the Seven Seas Panorama. You’ll also want to stop in at the muggy Tropic World, where you can walk at treetop level with mangabeys, mandrills and gibbons chattering on either side, and the Australia House, where fruit bats flit around your head. Kids gravitate to Baboon Island, where a troupe of some 40 guinea baboons groom and grimace at each other.
Cincinnati Zoo
Every one of its exhibits demonstrates the whole delicate balance of an ecosphere, the entwined roles of predator and prey, the interplay between plant and animal life (the zoo is also a lush botanical garden, with over 3,000 thriving plant species). An old Taj Mahal–inspired elephant house has been redesigned to demonstrate how dwindling habitats affect supersized species like the Asian elephant, the giraffe and the okapi. But one of the most important buildings hasn’t got a single animal inside: It’s a vintage Japanese-style pagoda that’s now a memorial to Martha, a passenger pigeon who died here in 1914, the very last of her once-ubiquitous species (the last Carolina parakeet also died here). The nation’s second-oldest zoo (opened in 1875), the Cincinnati park has only 75 acres, but that makes it all the more walkable for younger children. With no room to expand, Cincinnati’s designers have ingeniously packed as much as possible onto its acres, with 500-plus species housed in naturalistic environments. Among the endangered species here are white lions (courtesy of Las Vegas animal trainers Siegfried & Roy), fork-tongued Komodo dragons, shy red pandas and lumbering manatees. The stars of the show, though, are the Sumatran rhinoceroses, glossy brown armored creatures that are the only ones of their species to successfully breed in captivity, a feat even more rare than the breeding of a giant panda cub.One of the most popular parts of the children’s zoo is the nursery, where kids crowd around to see the newest zoo babies being hand-fed by zoo staff. The Jungle Trails, a walk-through simulated rainforest, allows visitors to get a good look at orangutans, gibbons, and bonobos; outdoors, there’s a monkey island where you walk on a wooden bridge while acrobatic gibbons nonchalantly hoot and dangle on the wooden structure around you. It’s the only zoo I know of with an entire exhibit focusing on insects, from the emperor scorpion to the leaf-cutter ant—and why not? Insects, too, are part of the great chain of life.

Be a More Positive Parent

Forget yelling and nagging. Focus on positive discipline to bring out the best in your kids and create a more harmonious household.
A Better Way Positive discipline, based on love and limits, is common sense.
It's often the simple, sensible choices we tend to overlook as options, especially when we're in the heat of a kid battle.
Unlike punishment, positive discipline works to maintain the dignity of both child and parent by helping the child want to cooperate because he knows it's the right thing to do, not because he feels he has to comply "or else."
It has three main objectives:
· To put a stop to misbehavior (such as whining, lying, hitting, tantrums).
· To encourage good behaviors (i.e., cleaning up, healthy eating, using manners).
· To strengthen the relationship between parent and child.
The starting place for positive discipline is with you. It involves modeling good behavior - the kind you'd like from your child.
As you have already discovered, children will do as you do, not necessarily as you say.
To review the kind of behavior you expect, schedule private discussions and family meetings to revisit a situation without blame, shame, fear, or guilt. When the child has input into solving the problem, he is more inclined to want to cooperate as planned when a similar situation arises.
The process helps him feel important. But keep in mind that you have full veto power.
Over time, a well-disciplined child learns to control his impulses, take responsibility, solve problems, and empathize with others.
In truth, changing your ways and your children's isn't easy, and it can be especially difficult to hold it together on crazy mornings like Alice had. But even if you find that what comes out of your mouth is not what you had practiced, don't worry. Your child will give you another chance - sooner than you think - to say it better.
8 Great Ways to Get Your Kids to Cooperate
· Acknowledge strong feelings. A child who feels understood sees you as on his side rather than on his back and is more likely to cooperate. Say, "I noticed how angry you get when you're having fun and have to leave your friend's house. Let's practice a happy goodbye for tomorrow. How would that look and sound?"
· Talk less. Say what needs to be done in a single word if you can. "Coat." "Breakfast." "Teeth." Children hate long explanations, which often turn into a screaming tirade of reasons it must be done. You're also modeling self-control.
· Tell your child what he can do, rather than what he cannot do. For example, "We pet the cat" works better than, "Don't pull the cat's tail like you did last week." This serves as a reminder of an acceptable action rather than of what your child did wrong.
· Give limited choices. Say to your child, "You can get in your car seat all by yourself or Mommy will help you do it. Do you need my help? It's your choice." Most toddlers will say, "Self, self . . . I do it." The more you do this, the more you'll get "self" cooperation.
· Lighten up. Make inanimate objects do the talking for you. If you want your child to put on his shoes, for instance, make the shoes say, "Please put your feet in my tummy." Toddlers will usually happily comply, at least once.
· Rewind! This announcement means that your child will "take back" her words and actions and start anew with good behavior. Silly babble and walking backwards indicate the bad behavior has been "erased." In order for this to be effective, it must be introduced, demonstrated, and talked about repeatedly, outside the heat of the moment.
· Take a break. To calm a frustrated child, stop and breathe together. Say, "Looks like you need a break; let's breathe together." Sitting across from each other, holding hands, inhale slowly and deeply three times. Say, "I'm feeling relaxed now."
· Take a silly break. A sense of humor is very positive and often works well to stop misbehavior. When things are out of control, consider declaring, "We need to get silly!" Dance, sing the "silly song," tell a joke, talk in a silly voice or a foreign language. The children will join right in - or at least stop misbehaving long enough to watch the show!

Antistres odmor u Srbiji

U Ljuboviji na Drini pokrenut je za sada prvi „antistres turistički odmor” u Srbiji, koji traje sedam dana na sedam različitih lokacija, a kompletna cena je 175 evra.
Idejni tvorac programa antistres odmora i vlasnik turističke agencije Regata-turs iz Ljubovije Milutin Tomić rekao je a je u cenu uračunat, prevoz, smeštaj, hrana i lečenje pod nadzorom stručnjaka psihologije i kardiologije, koji učesnicima tokom odmora daju savete o „načinu života”.
On je precizirao da se antistres odmor podrazumeva obilaske manastira Sveti Nikolaj na Soko Gradu jedan dan raftinga Drinom, obilazak izletišta kod Ljubovije, i etno sela uz Drinu.
Antistres turistički program, prvi je te vrste u Srbiji, i namenjen je jačanju psiho-fizičkih sposobnosti, kroz učenje tehnika za relaksaciju i prevenciju od psihosomatskih bolesti.